Registration is open now >>> Register Today!
If you haven’t heard of the Grocery Budget Makeover yet, I figure you’ll have a few questions. So I’ve answered them below for ya!
I’m absolutely astonished at how much money my Super Savers have saved! I’ve had thousands of frustrated shopped go through the makeover and collectively, they have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars!
What exactly is the Grocery Budget Makeover?
The Grocery Budget Makeover is an online video course that will change the way you shop for groceries…forever. I (Erin) will lead you on a journey into the depths of your mind, your heart and yes, the grocery store too. Sounds dramatic, because it is. Any and every makeover you experience is dramatic, and this one will be too.
You will have access to amazing, insightful and inspiring videos to watch, worksheets (yes, I expect you to fill them out!), free resources to use that week, plus fun tips and tricks and of course, a few challenges along the way.
Oh, and I’ll throw in some cooking demos and other fun surprises too!
Read full curriculum here.
Watch the About Video here.
How will it help me?
This program is designed to reshape and reframe the way that you think about shopping for groceries, and how you actually shop for groceries. The strategies that you will learn and implement will make a huge impact on how much you are spending on groceries each week.
HIT PLAY to hear Kim’s Grocery Budget Makeover Story!!!
Does it have a cost?
The cost for the Grocery Budget Makeover is $39 and includes a printed workbook, mailed to you.
It’s a very small investment, but I plan to help you shave $39 off your grocery bill in the first month of the class!
Are you willing to make that investment?
But I can’t afford that right now, what can I do?
I totally understand that this is tough, which is why I’ve priced it as low as I have. I want everyone to be able to participate in the Grocery Budget Makeover, and still be able to cover my costs.
Think about it as an investment…like I said above. I’m hoping to help you shave $39 off your grocery bill in the first few weeks, so it’ll pay itself back in no time at all.
When can I register?
You can register anytime you’re ready!
(You can move at your own pace, and you have continued access to the materials and lessons.)
How long will this take me to complete? Will I have to work?
Yes, you will have to work. Anytime you’re wanting to improve anything in life, there will be work involved. But this work is fun and I promise to keep it inspiring and encouraging. I’ve broken the lessons down into very bite-size chunks, packing in the value but also allowing you to digest the material and allow it to build on itself as we move through the program.
Each lesson will contain a 5-15 minute long video, along with some worksheets to work through, and other printable resources to browse and potentially put to use.
I anticipate that it will take no more than 30 minutes to 1 hour per week, over a few weeks.
Think about it in terms of the $$$ savings potential…if you can start saving $40-$50 per week, in 30 minutes time…that’s not a bad ‘hourly rate’ at all!
Finally, anytime you’re working on a ‘makeover’ – a room makeover in your home, weight loss – it takes time and it takes work.
So if now is not the time, it’s not the time!
I have a question about continuing access to the program and materials (videos and printable worksheets). Will I be able to go back and review a video or printable at anytime?
Yes! You will have continued access to the program and materials! You can move at your own pace, as I know that life happens, and watch the videos and make the changes you need to make on your own schedule.
I *think* I’m pretty good at grocery shopping/planning, so I’m not sure I’ll learn or apply anything new.
Carry on then.
No, wait.
Before you decide that this isn’t for you, please check out the course curriculum.
My family eats fairly healthy and avoids processed foods. I “shop around the perimeter of the store” and buy a lot of organic foods. I find there are not many coupons I can use. Will your plan help me cut costs at the store? Is your program designed to help shoppers like me?
That’s how I shop as well. Due to food allergies in the family, I avoid most processed foods too. I also use coupons for certain products and will show you where you can find coupons for these types of products, as well as organic products and more.
This makeover is more about changing your mindset and methods of shopping. We will discuss couponing a little bit, but it’s not at all the focus of the makeover!
I am Canadian/Australian/European, will this makeover help me?
This program was designed by me, an American shopper. There are 2 lessons that we talk about couponing (at the end of the program), so I think there is a lot for anyone to learn about shopping and putting the different pieces of the puzzle together.
I have had a number of Aussies and Canadians go through the course in the past, and they had very positive feedback and said they learned a great deal. One called it “mind opening” and another “amazing savings with these new (to me) strategies.”
Who is the Grocery Budget Makeover NOT for?
This is not for anyone who doesn’t want to save money on groceries.
Or someone who is going through a major life transition. (But as soon as that transition is complete, you’ll wanna jump in!)
As soon as your life transition is over, come back and get registered 🙂
This just isn’t the right time in my life to go through something like this, will there be other times in the future I can experience this makeover?
You can register at any time, as your budget and schedule allows.
What have others experienced with the Grocery Budget Makeover?
Now that I’ve pulled it all together into one place, in one program, I know it’s going to rock your world and everyone will be talking about it!
See if you can relate to some of my friends who went through the makeover this past summer. You can read some of the Success Stories from the alumni!
What if I buy it, try it, don’t like it and don’t wish to continue?
To be eligible for a refund, I require that you show completed worksheets up until the point of refund request – up to 1 week from the time of signing up. I need you to take action within the makeover before you decide you aren’t or won’t see results and want a refund. I know that the only way to see results in a makeover is to take action.
If you do the work and don’t see results or see the value in the program, then I will happily refund your entire purchase and you can be on your merry way…but back to spending too much on groceries 😛
Also, refunds will not be offered after week 1 from registration date.
Can I see all of the content right when I register?
Yes, you get instant access to all of the course lessons. You can watch the videos, fill out the worksheets and work on your makeover at your own pace. Each lesson builds on the previous lesson’s content, so you’ll want to go in the right order…but can move at your own pace.
You have access to the videos and worksheets forever and ever, so you can get to it when you want!
Where can I register? I don’t want to miss it on this makeover!